Press statement: Court Reserves Judgment in Botswana Deportation Case to Tuesday 23 September 2014 at 10:00am

Judgment in the matter of Samotse and another v Minister of Home Affairs and others was reserved today in the North Gauteng High Court.  The Court said that judgment will be handed down on Tuesday 23 September 2014 at 10am.   

Legal Aid South Africa and Lawyers for Human Rights are seeking an order declaring the deportation of Edwin Samotse to face the death penalty in Botswana unlawful and unconstitutional and requiring the Department of Home Affairs to conduct a full investigation into the events leading to the deportation, the development of Standard Operating Procedures to prevent such deportations in the future and requiring the Department of International Relations and Cooperation to continue to seek assurances from the Government of Botswana that the death penalty will not be executed against him.   We also seek an order requiring the respondents to report back to the North Gauteng High Court on the efforts taken in terms of the above.